Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's called GRAMMAR, people!!!

It absolutely drives me insane when people don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" and "there" and "their". Is it really that hard? If you think about it for more then 1 second, it might come to you. So, here's my brief grammar lesson for the day.

*The term "you're" is a contraction of the words "you" and "are", as in "you're a moron". Get it? YOU ARE a moron. You're a moron.

See? Simple. :)

Here's another.

His vs. He's
I've only seen this once or twice, but it's so rediculous that it begs for it's own lesson. So, here goes.

*His: possession/ownership
*He's: Contraction of He and Is

Here's the difference:
His dumb ass shouldn't be here.
He's a dumb ass.

This is WRONG: He's dumb ass shouldn't be here. AYE!!

See the difference? His ass is dumb vs. He is a dumb ass. Easy, no?

Ok, that's enough for today.

Grammar Nazi out. :)

P.S. First person to comment and tell me how many grammatical errors in this post about grammar is no longer my friend. :)


Melikat- Quinn and Camy's mommy! said...


Cheryl said...

Haha, I wonder where you see that grammer all the time...hmmmm??? I completely understand, it pisses me off also!