Technically, it's now called the Tallahassee Museum (here) and has been host to bazillions of school field trips over time. I made several trips there myself while in elementary school, but I don't think I'd been since then. Keep your snickers about my age to yourselves, please. Yes, I'm aware it's been 2394862349 years since I was in elementary school.
Surprisingly, it's exactly as I remembered! The guest Animal right now is 2 Patas Monkeys. Ugly monkeys, so don't get excited. Taylor got a kick out of them...especially the one that really seemed to enjoy scratching himself.
It had to have been about a million degrees out, but since most of it is in the shade, it wasn't that bad. We spent about 3 hours there, total, including a lunch at the new Trailbreak Cafe where the ever efficient staff must do things in this order:
1. ask you what you want
2. write down what you want
3. ring up what you want
4. get your drink
5. ask what the other person with you wants
6. write down what the other person wants
7. ring up what the other person wants
8. get other person's drink
and so on and so forth. I don't want this to turn into one of my rants, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. Wouldn't it be more efficient to write it ALL down at once, then get all the drinks at once, so on and so forth?? Maybe it's just me.
Anyways, Taylor loved all the animals. The hawks especially caught his eye flying above us. He also seemed to enjoy the snakes. Ick. I don't think I mentioned the snake encounter we had at work. I should post about that. *note to self*
Pictures now....
Checking out the itchy monkey
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