First things first. A moment of silence in remembrance of those lost 7 years ago, and also for those that still suffer today.
And now, an update on my hell child. Taylor has had a cold for about a week now. i gave in and took him to the doctor last Thursday. Of course, all I got was "suck it up and give him some Tylenol", but I got some other good info also. Like, he is now 27 lbs 2 oz. Also, he is 31.25" long. A little big on the weight side, not quite so big on the length side. I've been advised that, contrary to what he tries to convince me of, he will not die without some of my sweet tea. Whatever. He still gets it, just not as much. The key is moderation, right?
So, aside from being ginormous, he amazes me constantly. He is still not talking. He much prefers to yell and point and watch me fetch. He does, however, follow directions. Ex: "Taylor, bring Mommy the remote". Next thing I know, I have a remote thrown at my head. So, it's not perfect, but the end result is the same. I now have the remote. So what if I have to track down all the batteries that fell out when the back popped off when it hit the couch. big deal.
Our night time routine is my absolute favorite! It starts with getting home from work/daycare. Taylor goes to daycare 3 days/week, so sometimes we don't get home until 6 pm. The other days he comes to work with me, so were home at 5:01. anyways, when we get home, he gets some milk and plays for a little while. If it's a daycare day, I immediately start on dinner. If it's not, I chill for a few while he plays. Between 6 and 6:30, dinner is eaten. He loves his dinner time. He's getting really good with the utensils also, which is adorable.
After dinner is bath time. So, after a quick recon mission for missing chicken and green bean pieces, or whatever he might have under his butt, he gets down and is told to "go to the bathroom for bath time". Wanna know what he does?? That's right! He RUNS to the bathroom! The boy also LOVES bath time. Mostly, he likes to fill his cup up and dump it out over and over and over and over and over...well, you get it.
After bath time, he gets to finish his milk from dinner and play. Right 'round 7:15, he starts rubbing his eyes, and will even lay on the floor on his blankie. So, I say "are you ready for nite-nite?". This is my favorite part: he gets his blankie, his binky and goes to his bedroom door and waits for me to come open it! Once I open the door, he goes to his crib and waits for me to come put him in it! It's the cutest thing EVER!! He immediately lays down and takes his blankie.
Every night, I thank all that is Holy that we don't have to fight with him to go to bed. Amen to that.
So, I guess that's about it. I'm kind of over the blogging thing for now. Heres a few recent pictures.
1 comment:
What a great update, I hope Quinn is that easy on bed time at that age, right now she's perfect on it so I hope it doesn't change!
He's getting so big and so darn cute and now he's going to be a big brother, yay!
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