Taylor is staying the night at Grandma's. As insane as he sometimes makes me, I sure do miss him. Which, is really weird. He'd be in bed now, for at least a couple of hours, if he were home, anyways. So, it's not like we'd be playing a game right now or anything. I guess I miss being able to just go in his room and check on him. To catch him sleeping with his hiney up in the air, or his leg kicked up on the side of his crib.
My sadness aside, cousins Michael, Charlie and Samantha are there too. Not to mention the ducks, the pond, the fish and the 4-wheelers. So, I know he's having a blast.
But, oh Taylor gone to Grandma's makes for sad Mommy. :(
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Junior Museum!
This past Saturday, my husband, my mom, Taylor and I took a trip to the Junior Museum. Yes, I know it's not really called the Junior Museum anymore, but sometimes I'm resistant to change. So, that's what I'll be calling it.
Technically, it's now called the Tallahassee Museum (here) and has been host to bazillions of school field trips over time. I made several trips there myself while in elementary school, but I don't think I'd been since then. Keep your snickers about my age to yourselves, please. Yes, I'm aware it's been 2394862349 years since I was in elementary school.
Surprisingly, it's exactly as I remembered! The guest Animal right now is 2 Patas Monkeys. Ugly monkeys, so don't get excited. Taylor got a kick out of them...especially the one that really seemed to enjoy scratching himself.
It had to have been about a million degrees out, but since most of it is in the shade, it wasn't that bad. We spent about 3 hours there, total, including a lunch at the new Trailbreak Cafe where the ever efficient staff must do things in this order:
1. ask you what you want
2. write down what you want
3. ring up what you want
4. get your drink
5. ask what the other person with you wants
6. write down what the other person wants
7. ring up what the other person wants
8. get other person's drink
and so on and so forth. I don't want this to turn into one of my rants, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. Wouldn't it be more efficient to write it ALL down at once, then get all the drinks at once, so on and so forth?? Maybe it's just me.
Anyways, Taylor loved all the animals. The hawks especially caught his eye flying above us. He also seemed to enjoy the snakes. Ick. I don't think I mentioned the snake encounter we had at work. I should post about that. *note to self*
Pictures now....
Checking out the itchy monkey

Technically, it's now called the Tallahassee Museum (here) and has been host to bazillions of school field trips over time. I made several trips there myself while in elementary school, but I don't think I'd been since then. Keep your snickers about my age to yourselves, please. Yes, I'm aware it's been 2394862349 years since I was in elementary school.
Surprisingly, it's exactly as I remembered! The guest Animal right now is 2 Patas Monkeys. Ugly monkeys, so don't get excited. Taylor got a kick out of them...especially the one that really seemed to enjoy scratching himself.
It had to have been about a million degrees out, but since most of it is in the shade, it wasn't that bad. We spent about 3 hours there, total, including a lunch at the new Trailbreak Cafe where the ever efficient staff must do things in this order:
1. ask you what you want
2. write down what you want
3. ring up what you want
4. get your drink
5. ask what the other person with you wants
6. write down what the other person wants
7. ring up what the other person wants
8. get other person's drink
and so on and so forth. I don't want this to turn into one of my rants, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. Wouldn't it be more efficient to write it ALL down at once, then get all the drinks at once, so on and so forth?? Maybe it's just me.
Anyways, Taylor loved all the animals. The hawks especially caught his eye flying above us. He also seemed to enjoy the snakes. Ick. I don't think I mentioned the snake encounter we had at work. I should post about that. *note to self*
Pictures now....
Checking out the itchy monkey
Monday, August 11, 2008
AHHHHHH! Budgeting sucks.
So, we've recently began "budgeting". I use the term budgeting lightly, because by budgeting I don't mean that were using a bazillion envelopes every month, or even have a written plan for that matter. However, we did take some money out of savings to pay off all of the credit cards and put them in the lock box.
Now, if you're like me, you're thinking "I know all the numbers.". Well, I do. But to be honest, I like not having the extra 6 or 7 bills each month. I will say, that we put some on our Home Depot card to get some stuff for the house. And with 1 year no interest and all, no harm no foul, right? I'm anal as hell about paying those off in time. So, we have an awesome new patio set. I think investments in the house are justified. We were more looking into cutting out all the useless crap. So far so good.
Now, on another note. Have you ever grocery shopped on a "budget"? Again, I use the term loosely. Last week, I surfed the weekly ad papers for both Winn Dixie and Publix and made a shopping list that was MOSTLY stuff that was on sale. Boneless skinless chicken breast is an awesome buy when it's BOGO.
So, after $92 at Publix and $77 at Winn Dixie, there's enough food in the house for at least 2 weeks, probably more. I was sooooo excited and proud of myself. I actually planned meals around the stuff I bought and didn't go crazy and buy a bunch of random crap. Not to say that I didn't stock up on frozen pizzas for those nights where cooking just isn't happening. But seriously, at least 2 weeks of food for less than $200 for 3 people? AWESOME. Now, you're probably thinking..."but that doesn't include feeding Taylor." Yes it does. Hell Child eats what we do. Amen for teeth. So, aside form the random jar of Gerber meat sticks, he's included in our grocery "budget" now. Have I mentioned the boy loves ground beef?
So, the credit cards have been locked up for about a month now, and though I'm seriously tempted to go check out the sales at Old Navy and Baby Gap, I'm not. Although, filling up my shopping cart and then just closing the window does help some. Anyways, I thought it would be harder than it is. But I certainly don't want to jinx myself, so I'll say that I'm doing well....for now.
I shall post a picture of the new patio furniture when I remember to actually take a picture of it.
Now, if you're like me, you're thinking "I know all the numbers.". Well, I do. But to be honest, I like not having the extra 6 or 7 bills each month. I will say, that we put some on our Home Depot card to get some stuff for the house. And with 1 year no interest and all, no harm no foul, right? I'm anal as hell about paying those off in time. So, we have an awesome new patio set. I think investments in the house are justified. We were more looking into cutting out all the useless crap. So far so good.
Now, on another note. Have you ever grocery shopped on a "budget"? Again, I use the term loosely. Last week, I surfed the weekly ad papers for both Winn Dixie and Publix and made a shopping list that was MOSTLY stuff that was on sale. Boneless skinless chicken breast is an awesome buy when it's BOGO.
So, after $92 at Publix and $77 at Winn Dixie, there's enough food in the house for at least 2 weeks, probably more. I was sooooo excited and proud of myself. I actually planned meals around the stuff I bought and didn't go crazy and buy a bunch of random crap. Not to say that I didn't stock up on frozen pizzas for those nights where cooking just isn't happening. But seriously, at least 2 weeks of food for less than $200 for 3 people? AWESOME. Now, you're probably thinking..."but that doesn't include feeding Taylor." Yes it does. Hell Child eats what we do. Amen for teeth. So, aside form the random jar of Gerber meat sticks, he's included in our grocery "budget" now. Have I mentioned the boy loves ground beef?
So, the credit cards have been locked up for about a month now, and though I'm seriously tempted to go check out the sales at Old Navy and Baby Gap, I'm not. Although, filling up my shopping cart and then just closing the window does help some. Anyways, I thought it would be harder than it is. But I certainly don't want to jinx myself, so I'll say that I'm doing well....for now.
I shall post a picture of the new patio furniture when I remember to actually take a picture of it.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Really? Is it really necessary???
To blast your thug music so ******* loud at 10:45 pm?? Not that I'm old and trying to sleep (although, on most nights I would be), but I have a child that generally sleeps at night. WTF is wrong with people?
I'm a fan of thug music myself, so I'm not pissed that they're playing shit that I just don't like. I'm pissed that I get woken up by it at 2 and 3 AM! AM!
So, here's what REALLY pisses me off. We've called the Sheriff's Dept several times. I wouldn't have said a word ever if I didn't have a kid, really. So, the Sheriffs Dept will come here and talk to us about it, then come back and say that they "can't find the source". ******* cops. (Sorry Jenna) But seriously. YOU'RE THE ******* SHERIFF!!! Isn't it your job to, oh I don't know....FIND THEM???
So, here's what I've decided. I'm calling them EVERY TIME from now on. I don't care if they've just left. I'll call the bastards back. I'm sick of this shit. As my mama would say, "have some ******* cooth." For all you non-southerners, that means brains/smarts/integrity/respect. Kind of a mixture of it all.
So, I think if I follow this plan, that it probably won't take them long to actually do something about it so I'll quit calling...right?? We're going to find out.
I'm a fan of thug music myself, so I'm not pissed that they're playing shit that I just don't like. I'm pissed that I get woken up by it at 2 and 3 AM! AM!
So, here's what REALLY pisses me off. We've called the Sheriff's Dept several times. I wouldn't have said a word ever if I didn't have a kid, really. So, the Sheriffs Dept will come here and talk to us about it, then come back and say that they "can't find the source". ******* cops. (Sorry Jenna) But seriously. YOU'RE THE ******* SHERIFF!!! Isn't it your job to, oh I don't know....FIND THEM???
So, here's what I've decided. I'm calling them EVERY TIME from now on. I don't care if they've just left. I'll call the bastards back. I'm sick of this shit. As my mama would say, "have some ******* cooth." For all you non-southerners, that means brains/smarts/integrity/respect. Kind of a mixture of it all.
So, I think if I follow this plan, that it probably won't take them long to actually do something about it so I'll quit calling...right?? We're going to find out.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It's called GRAMMAR, people!!!
It absolutely drives me insane when people don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" and "there" and "their". Is it really that hard? If you think about it for more then 1 second, it might come to you. So, here's my brief grammar lesson for the day.
*The term "you're" is a contraction of the words "you" and "are", as in "you're a moron". Get it? YOU ARE a moron. You're a moron.
See? Simple. :)
Here's another.
His vs. He's
I've only seen this once or twice, but it's so rediculous that it begs for it's own lesson. So, here goes.
*His: possession/ownership
*He's: Contraction of He and Is
Here's the difference:
His dumb ass shouldn't be here.
He's a dumb ass.
This is WRONG: He's dumb ass shouldn't be here. AYE!!
See the difference? His ass is dumb vs. He is a dumb ass. Easy, no?
Ok, that's enough for today.
Grammar Nazi out. :)
P.S. First person to comment and tell me how many grammatical errors in this post about grammar is no longer my friend. :)
*The term "you're" is a contraction of the words "you" and "are", as in "you're a moron". Get it? YOU ARE a moron. You're a moron.
See? Simple. :)
Here's another.
His vs. He's
I've only seen this once or twice, but it's so rediculous that it begs for it's own lesson. So, here goes.
*His: possession/ownership
*He's: Contraction of He and Is
Here's the difference:
His dumb ass shouldn't be here.
He's a dumb ass.
This is WRONG: He's dumb ass shouldn't be here. AYE!!
See the difference? His ass is dumb vs. He is a dumb ass. Easy, no?
Ok, that's enough for today.
Grammar Nazi out. :)
P.S. First person to comment and tell me how many grammatical errors in this post about grammar is no longer my friend. :)
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