Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ahhhhh I can't stop!!!

I never thought I would be so "into" blogging. But I am. So, be prepared to read a lot of stuff. :)

Today's news:

We turned Taylor's car seat around last night! Yay! He finally hit the 1 year/20 pound mark - well, he's had the 20 pounds for a while, so we were just waiting for a year. Anyhoo, he loves it! His first ride facing forward was to day care this morning. Check it:

Wow, my truck looks huge from that view. I should down size.


Melikat- Quinn and Camy's mommy! said...

Yay! Didn't it suck having it backwards? I cannot wait to turn Quinn's seat around, I know she will be much happier!

Cheryl said...

Aww what a big boy!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, YAY for riding forward facing! I bet he likes it so much better!