Onto day to day things. He sleeps for 10-12 hours a night and 2 naps everyday still. I LOVE sleeping all night! Yea, I know. There's a bazillion other moms out there that would kill to be able to sleep all night. Let me just tell you, we worked very hard to get to this point and I appreciate it so very much. So, consider this my way of pumping the Cry It Out method. It works. I swear.
As for other things, he is walking everywhere and climbing onto everything. I found him on the couch the other day. I wonder how long it will take him to get onto the back and jump off...He likes to push things around, such as the Wal-Mart shopping cart we got him for his birthday, but he's not afraid to knock it over and drag it if things aren't quite going his way. No wonder his nickname at daycare is "bulldozer".
He talks and babbles constantly. So far, he says mama, dada, fish, cheese, cookie, tea, down and gone. He also likes to yell. A lot. We are currently working on the concept of the inside voice. It's not going well.
Since we were in the Bahamas for his birthday, his party is this Saturday. I'm so excited! Now, to get busy and get this house cleaned before then. Pfft. Here's some pictures for your viewing pleasure.
His birthday cake at Ipanema in Ocala

Aww thats me!! Miss you guys!
He is too cute!
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