Monday, June 23, 2008


Welcome to The Collins Clan's new blog! We have had so much going on lately, I can hardly keep up!

Taylor will be ONE this Friday (6/27) and I can hardly believe it. Aside from that, we leave for our trip to the BAHAMAS the next day! How many kids actually get to go to the Bahamas for their first birthday?

We met with Robin Adams last Thursday for Taylor's First Birthday photo shoot. His "big boy" shots were awesome, but for some reason, I think he enjoyed tearing the cake up the most. Of course, he got to run around in the sprinklers after. I took 400 pictures myself, and I'm anxiously awaiting the proofs from Robin so I can spend our life savings on the ones she took!

I am constantly amazed at how much and how well my little man has grown over the last year and can't wait to see what the future holds for him. He makes me laugh everyday. I'll stop, carrying on about him should be saved for a separate blog.

1 comment:

Aunt Z said...

Enjoy that precious little man! Have a great vacation, Love, Aunt Zitha