Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Just Can't Contain Myself

I am so freakin' excited about our trip that I can hardly contain myself. It's taking everything I have not to get up and dance around like a fool. We leave Saturday. Taylor has no idea what he's in for. I hope he gets over his issues with beach sand soon.

My Zune is loaded and synced with all the latest and greatest. Clothes are almost ready to be packed. 4 bottles of sunscreen have been purchased. I think we're almost ready!!! I want to leave NOW.

Oh, and just an FYI for those of you local. If you've seen the little guy standing at the corner of I10 and Monroe Street lately, you know, the one that has the sign that says "Circumcision Causes Brain Damage"'s not true. Just wanted to make sure there was no confusion. I'm all for free speech, but sheesh. Get over yourself and mind your own business. My son's penis is MY business, NOT yours. Carry on.

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