Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm a slacker....

I realize that, and I can't help it. I haven't blogged in over 2 months, which means I'll never remember what's happened since. So, I'll do my best.

First of all...It's a GIRL! I'm sure everyone knows by now. But just in case, there you go. Her name is McKenzie Leigh and I am hoping that Dr. Hall will let me go until her due date which is 5/27. Since Taylor's birthday is 6/27, I just think that would be cool.
Here she is:

*OK, so I fully intended on including pictures in this post, but they are not posting. Anyone else having this problem?? It seems like I had this problem about a month ago. I tried to post then, but got aggitated when my pictures wouldn't post, so I gave up. Hummmm* far as the pregnancy goes, everything I said before about it being "easy so far" and all that BS, is just that - BS!! I have been sick since I hit 15 weeks (so, it's been 10 weeks now). Both with morning sickness type issues and the "forever lasting" upper respiratory infection. So, I cough, I gag, I puke. Repeat. I sneeze, I gag, I puke. Repeat. It bites.

The up-side to this is that I finally got referred back to my ENT (ear, nose, throat) Doctor to try and fix the problem. I go this afternoon. Yay! I definitely think a large part of the puking is due to all the excess mucus (yuck) I have in my sinuses/head/chest. It's just more than I can handle.

On to better things...TAYLOR! Taylor is....well, Taylor. He absolutely is his own little person, and has been for a while. He has a pretty impressive vocabulary, which includes but is in no way limited to:
mama, dada, nanny, grandaddy, grandma, papaw, duck, dog, kitty cat, cereal, cookie, tea, baby, TAYLOR, nite nite, bye bye, paci, milk, mama milk, hiding ( as in, we ask "where'a papaw? and he says "he's hiding"), moo, cow, shoe, tv, spongebob, and so on and so forth. Honestly, he rarely shuts up anymore. :)

He no longer walks...he RUNS. Everywhere. All the time. I guess if it's worth doing, it's worth getting to it fast to do it. He climbs like he's part monkey. But that's nothing new. He's been doing that since he could pull up.

He loves to poke my belly and say "baby", although, I'm anxious to see how it actually works out when he finds out that the baby has to actually come OUT of mommy's tummy. Everyone seems to think he's going to be an awesome big we'll see.

He knows most of his body parts; eye, ear, nose, mouth, tongue, elbow, belly, belly button, knee, toe, foot, finger, hair, teeth...etc. And can show you which is which when you ask. He also likes to show you where your eyes are...which hurts if you're not ready for it.

I think the biggest news is that we are going to start POTTY TRAINING this weekend!! He is fully aware of when he needs to go, and tells us often as he's going, and has been for a little while. I've been apprehensive about starting so close to the baby's due date, but I can't ignore it anymore. He's ready. So, wish us luck.

Other than that, life is pretty much the same.

Oh, I think I'll be moving this blog in the near future. I'm not a huge fan of Blogger. Stay tuned! :)

1 comment:

Melikat- Quinn and Camy's mommy! said...

Yay you updated! I'm so sorry you have been dealing with sickness, that really sucks. But I loved the Taylor updates, it sounds like he is growing up so fast and doing really amazing things!