Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One. Uno. Un

Well, after hearing from everyone over the last month that I'm having AT LEAST 2 babies, my feelings were confirmed this morning. Please pay close attention....THERE IS ONLY ONE BABY! Which is good. Since I was ready to pack my stuff and leave in the event of multiples. After the babies came home, of course. :)

So, here "she" is:

I have absolutely no clue why they are posting sideways, so turn yer heads cuz I'm too lazy to fix them.

"She" has a strong heartbeat and is measuring 8w6d, which is 1 day short of what my LMP indicates. According to those measurements, "she" is due 5/27/09. EXACTLY 1 month before Taylor turns 2!


Melikat- Quinn and Camy's mommy! said...

I love it! And I'm guessing "she" too!

The Whaleys said...

YAY for one baby at a time, I will keep my fingers crossed for a little girl to drive you nuts.