Monday, October 6, 2008

gDiaper Update

A word of advice: if your kid pees more than, say, a normal kid...gDiapers may not be for you.

Upon waking up the morning of his first gDiaper night, Taylor was covered in pee. Ew. So, I did some research. What do you know? You're supposed to double it at night. That makes sense. So, keep in mind that Taylor sleeps for 11-13 hours a night. Yes, we love it. Yes, we worked hard to get there. So, on the second night, I doubled the liners. Now, picture a small child trying to walk with a pillow in his britches. Ha! Luckily, he goes to bed shortly after bath/jammie time anyways, so there wasn't much time for walking, er, I mean wobbling anyways.

I held out hope that the next morning would be clean and dry and we would be able to continue in the world of gDiapers and their cutesy covers. Nope. Soaked. Oh, and poopy. I'm happy to say that it happened to be Daddy's day to get up with Taylor. hehe

So, not only did he wake up covered in pee AGAIN, but apparently, the convenient and still sanitary process of gDiaper disposal turns into a disgusting mess when there are 2 liners to contend with. Daddy was not happy.

So, there's our update. We are no longer using gDiapers and I will more than likely be listing the pack of refils on eBay or Craigslist soon. Would it be wrong to continue to use the covers over a regular sposie? I sure do like them.


Melikat- Quinn and Camy's mommy! said...

Awww booo :( that sux that they sucked! oh well, u tried!

Stephanie said...

Oh yuck! Sorry to hear they didn't work out. What if you just used sposies at night and gDiapers during the day?